Well, I mailed out Sophie's portfolio this morning. I spent half the night going back and forth on what to include and what to leave out, and what to say in the summaries I submitted for each of the 4 subjects. I knew some of the things I definitely wanted to include, such as the dino trading cards she made and a sample of her recipes. The rest didn't feel like it showed much. I kept telling myself that I only had 2 and a half months of work to choose from, but still.... I had 2 writing examples. Period. And they were only a paragraph each. UGH. So hopefully, her extensive reading/resource list makes up for it!
On the bright side of homeschool paperwork/red tape: Lil Man has decided he is DEFINITELY staying home with Momma next year. The thought of getting up before the birdies does not appeal to my little night owl lol. I'm so happy!! I already have a good idea what we'll be doing; I'm getting the Life of Fred elementary series, and we'll be working through that as a group, which I'm hoping will help reinforce Sophie's fundamentals. I'm also going to get Sophie a 5th grade workbook to fiddle with if she chooses. We will also be doing our Social Studies side-by-side with Story of the World vol. 1. I found a free pdf file that has the text, student book, and parent guide :) It can be adapted for a multi-level instruction, which means less paperwork and fuss for me. Science will continue to be child-led, with the both of them studying similar subjects at the same time, once again, easier for both of us. And of course we will be reading, reading, reading. Sophie is going to start writing more, hopefully, with the incentive of typing instead of "writing" things out. Lil Man will be using a free phonics program I found online called FunFonix and I'm going to buy him the Kindergarten workbook for Handwriting without Tears.
Its SOOOOO nice out today!! The kids have been in and out all day, going between some more educational movies off Netflix (i.e. LeapFrog) and doing noisy, summer activities like playing Rock Band with my pots/pans/metal bowls. We also used the play castle to dry some blankets, thus creating an even cooler play house lol! It was all fun and games until Sophie got stung by a bee on the foot :( She tends to overreact to these types of situations, even if it isn't her its happening to. So the outside play ended abruptly for her and she seated herself (limping all the way) on the couch to watch Pocahontas and pouted. Hopefully this doesn't ruin her for the rest of the summer, which is entirely possible unfortunately. She's my little drama queen lol.
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