This is a quick update on the monkees.... I have been sooo sick. I have kidney problems that occasionally raise their ugly heads, kidney stones being the most common. The other day I was hit by a really bad attack of stones at 4am (after the hubby left OF COURSE) and I've been pretty well medicated since. Because of that, we've done less around here. Sophie has been helping out A LOT while I've been laid up in bed, feeling awful. I explained about kidney stones, and why I was in so much pain, trying to lessen the scariness of the whole situation. The boys both started a little game of what has kidneys lol, like cats, dogs, and horses, versus things that do not, like cars.
Sophie hasn't done much other than play Animal Jam on NatGeo kids. She likes it because she can be a variety of animals, she is socializing with other kids, and there are a lot of mini-games on there. She's already learned several codes that you have to enter to do things, and I feel like its teaching her language arts skills in a very "Real" setting. She is typing conversation back and forth with other kids her age and developing friendships. She is on a limited account right now, but is requesting membership for her birthday. Its $50 for a year of membership, which isn't too bad, but definitely a present type purchase. If she is still super interested in it by July, I think I will get her the year package.
Lil Man is becoming more interested in writing and reading. He has been writing his name a lot, and does quite well. He has also been asking how to spell other things, and how to make those letters, with minimal mistakes. He is noticing words in his environment as well, and will ask me what things say, or will trace a letter in the air and ask what it is. His natural curiosity is a great learning tool and I'm amazed by what he can absorb in a day. I print out worksheets for him when he asks, but he quickly loses interest with those, so I'm not in any hurry to purchase a curriculum for him. I wish he would stay home with me longer, but he is dead set on going to kindergarten next year.
Hopefully I will be back to posting more regularly, again, but there are no promises with medical things lol. I'm going to be researching our "curriculum" for next year in the coming months, so there will be a lot about that going.
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