The kids got to play with the sensory bin I created yesterday. All 3 started out excited to play with it, but after the first, ohh 20 minutes? only Max was playing with it. Sophie said it was a little boring, Little Man didn't really offer a reason, but Max had a blast with it. Sophie went back to it a couple times over the course of the day, playing for maybe 10 minutes at a time. I joined in at one point, just because it seems like such fun. The colors are super vibrant and the kool aid left it smelling a lot like fruity pebbles. During our joint play session, Sophie messed around with the 1/8 measure and the 1/3 measure. She estimated that 4 scoops of the 1/8 measure would fill the 1/3 measure and then we tried it. 3 filled it up pretty much, so she said 3/8 was almost equal to 1/3. I didn't do the actual math until later, but she was pretty darn close. 3/8 equals 9/24, and 1/3 equals 8/24. She does so well with math when its in real life situations! I'm proud of her :)

It started off so pretty and neat lol
After the kids were done =/ It still smells yummy though
Gary found a castle playhouse the other day, too. The kids have been wanting a play house for a while now, but our plan had been to build one when we had the time/money. This was in perfect condition though and such a neat idea! The kids were excited when he brought it home, but it was kind of late, so they didn't get much play in besides a couple times down the slide. Yesterday, the sun was shining enough that they were able to really get out there and enjoy it. Sophie took the lead, as usual, and decided that they were going to pretend that the yard was their kingdom and Max was the King, she was the Princess, and our cat, Bad Kitty, was the dragon protecting the castle. Little Man wasn't home yet, or I'm sure he would have been recruited to be something too lol. They played forever at that castle play house!
Sophie is getting more and more interested in dinosaurs lately. We got that book from the library, and she had me look up some stuff online for her to look at. We found some print out information cards on quite a few species of dinos, and she's been looking at them. She's amazed at how big they really were and has theorized that maybe WV didn't have any because we are so mountainous, and that didn't leave much room for the dinosaurs to move around where they were so big. I hadn't thought of that myself, and I can't find any research that suggests that, but its as plausible as anything else! She also watched an episode of Octonauts on Disney Jr about Narwhal whales and was interested in those. We looked up some pictures of real Narwhals and read about how they are hunted for their horns and blubber. We also read how their horns can grow to be 10 feet, and baby Narwhals are around 5 feet long at birth. That is just a bit taller than she is now, at 9, and that amazed her. She was especially interested in how their horns were once mistaken for unicorn horns. She made the connection that sailors also thought manatees were mermaids in the past. She said that many legends were later debunked to be new animals that people just hadn't ever seen before, and that as science learns more, legends are often left behind for the truth. She's enjoying this way of learning science much more than textbook learning! I think it helps that this is all about animals, which interest her anyway lol
She is so bright!! <3